Author Archive for Dirk

  1. Proportional and Non-proportional Fonts

    A proportional font uses varying widths to display each of its letters and symbols, while a non-proportional font uses the same fixed width to display its characters. Some of the most popular proportional fonts are Times New Roman, Arial, Verdana and Georgia. Most people find these types of fonts easier to read and more aesthetically […]

  2. Sans or Sans Serif fonts for the web?

    When choosing your web font it is important to know where to choose from. The first choice you’ll have to make is if you want to have a serif or sans serif font. There’s a huge difference between these two as they will decide the tone of your website.

  3. The Impact of Font Choice on a Resume

    In today’s tough job market, job seekers will pursue just about any route to land the perfect position just as employers will use any method within their means to find the perfect candidate. When it comes to the resume or CV, most applicants know how to construct an impressive document that adequately reflects their goals, […]